pick any five letter word to begin your adventure:
return to campfire
* * *
in your absence monstrosities roam this land...
the keyword is now
now, pick a quest pattern below:
use an
ability ▼ ▲
* * *
quests completed on this adventure:
* *
now find a word that gives your chosen pattern:
when checked against the keyword:
using wordle rules.
the word you find then becomes the next keyword in your adventure
or...you can retreat and try again in another adventure :
ambushed! this is the named
starting with its name as keyword you must defeat its patterns sequentially, with each word you find
becoming the keyword for the next pattern:
remember it and plan very carefully, en garde!
find a word that gives the pattern:
when checked against the keyword:
using wordle rules.
the word you find becomes the keyword in the next pattern to come:
or...you can try to escape and retreat :
adventurer, you have returned for respite from the adventure ,
on this adventure you have completed:
wordsmith's workshop: ▼ ▲
collected seals ▼ ▲
overall statistics ▼
achievements ▼
in a post-apocowordl world the land was almost tired of five letter words, but from the remannts of colored squares, menacing new monsters and challenges
alas adventurer! you must use your command of five letter words and restore peace once more!
no-deadend mode is ON
with no-deadend mode ON, quest patterns choices in adventure modes are always possible with at least a word (but not necessarily common).
with no-deadend OFF, there may be deadend patterns, it is a much more challenging experience. this is only
recommended after you found no-deadend too easy.
common word list mode is ON
with common word list mode ON, quest patterns choices in adventure modes are always possible with at least a common word from a curated list L1.
when this mode is on, it over-rides no-deadend mode as there will be no deadends.
monster encounter is ON
with monster encounter ON, you will be ambushed by monsters during quests. you can turn it off if you want to play a classic mode without monsters randomly ambushing you. you can
still evoke to attract monsters that are roaming to you, however. so with this mode OFF you could have greater control when to fight a monster.
basic game play
given a five letter keyword, say
and a chosen pattern of five gray, gold, and green tiles, say
you are to find a word that will create that pattern when checked against the keyword using wordle rules:
A gray tile ? indicates you are looking for a word with a letter at that gray
position that does not show up anywhere in the keyword
A gold tile ? indicates you are looking for a word with a letter at that gold
position that does show up somwhere in the keyword, but just not at that position
A green tile ? indicates you are looking for a word with a letter at that green
position that does show up somwhere in the keyword, and exactly at that position
in short, it is wordle in reverse. instead of finding the keyword (which we already have), you are
finding the wrong answer that will give the pattern.
so for example, the words
will all give patterns
when checked against the
and yes, there are many possibilities, and all are acceptable! (as well as no possibilities sometimes!)
now a word on repeat letters -- how are they checked against the keyword? first the letters at the correct positions will be prioritized
and recieve green and removed, then for the remaining letters that are present in the keyword but not in the right places, they will be marked yellow
one by one from the left until you run out of that letter in the keyword, and the remaining ones will be marked gray. in short, always remember: the gold and green tiles of the same letter will never exceed those in the keywords
for example, if the keyword is armor, then the word rarer will give pattern
when checked against
here the last r in rarer is in the right place as the last r in armor, so it is marked green, now this r in armor will not be participating in further checks. the two remaining r's in rarer are both in the wrong places,
and the word armor has one r left to be used for checking. so only the left most r in rarer will be yellow. we now run out of r's in armor, therefore the middle r in rarer is marked grey.
whew! it takes some time to digest, I recommend you play around to learn the rules! the game gives you instant feedback! try and experiment!
now how are these keywords and pattern chosen? by you of course! each word that you succesfully found
becomes the next keyword. you will then be presented a choice of patterns to continue.
but beware! there are deadends and traps! sometimes with a keyword fixed, there are patterns that do not
come from any word! it is a choose-your-adventure game after all!
this is an adventure game, and your progress is automatically saved as you go on. there are elemenets of
exploration, puzzles, challenges, resource collection, and achievements. after each run you will bank what
you gathered, and you will gain abilities that help you on your journey to get you out of trouble.
are you up to the challenge to discover?
note: this is not meant to be a "short game" and you are encouarged to take breaks. there are no time
limits, play however you like. I hope you enjoy!
there are monstrosities in this game, populated each time you rest or load up the game. these are
challenging puzzle patterns to be completed during your run. check the monstrosities icon to see what is
going to be present in your run. they stay there until defeated (or respawn later)!
an arts and games project by bonsoon
(. new updates coming.)