game / art by bonsoon 2023 Actual rules: There are 24 cards, organized into 6 sets of four: cosmos = ['sun', 'moon', 'earth' ,'star'] royals = ['king', 'queen', 'crown' ,'scepter'] mortals = ['hermit', 'bard', 'warrior','farmer'] monsters = ['chimera', 'minotaur' ,'medusa' ,'siren'] tragedy = ['hubris' ,'fate' ,'revenge', 'destiny' ] fortune = ['justice' ,'honor' ,'health', 'bounty'] First the sets are randomly linearly ordered, so we do not know which set is stronger than which set. And within each set the cards are also randomly ordered, so we do not know which card is stronger than which card. When comparing two individual cards, we always compare set first. So cards in one set are all stronger than cards in another set, or vice versa. The 24 cards are thusly in some linearly order. Now there are three additional special combination sets, made with some combination of the cards: Madness, made a mortal, monster, tragedy, and fortune; Oracle, made of a tragedy, fortune, cosmos, and royals; Empire, made of a cosmos, royals, mortal, and monster. (A good way to remember is cosmos/royals cannot be madness, mortal/monsters cannot be oracle, and tragedy/fortune cannot be empire) These three sets are pairwise disjoint, chosen at random. Madness beats oracle, which beats empire, and empire beats the rest, in terms of sets. These three special combination sets are only used when they occur as pairs or triplets Three of a kind (triplet) in a set always beat a pair, and a pair always beat a single card. If there are two different pairs, we compare their set strengths first. If the two pairs are from the same set, we break ties using the THIRD unused card, called a kicker card. DIONYSUS behavior: DIONYSUS is ignorant of player's cards. Once the player has chosen, DIONYSUS makes two possible hands using the remaining two cards with its own two cards. These two hands are compared and DIONYSUS pick which ever gives the better hand. Now sometimes when DIONYSUS comapre with itself, ambiguity may arise. If there is any ambiguity, DIONYSUS will determine which hand has the highest card. If same, then DIONYSUS compares the second highest card. If same again, then DIONYSUS compares the third highest card. (This cannot further be the same) Your goal is to determine as much information about the deck as possible -- the order of the sets, the order within each set (is it possible?), and what makes up empire, oracle, and madness. Hint: Might be good to make a table. We are not in the business of saving trees, I'm afraid... Hint: Might be good to see what hands were made each round. Hint: Might be good to use DIONYSUS's behavior to help you. Hint: The deal button and the first card choice will be autofocused, so you can qucikly tap space/enter to click it. My best record: (9 min, 15 min, 35 min) for a complete (madness, tower, realm) solve of the same single game. ^ Can you beat it? I'd like to see a speedrun of this... Have fun ! - bonsoon