In the following board, there are some pegs (blue squares) placed over holes (grey). Each move one can move a peg
and jump over another
peg, and land into an empty spot. In doing so the peg that is jumped over is removed. So each move there will be one
peg less.
Can you move the pegs so that there is only one peg left? To move, click a peg, and then an empty space. If
the move
is valid then it will be moved. Clicking on the same peg again will unselect the peg.
(variation 0)
(Do you think this game is actually possible? What is the least number of pegs left you can make?)
How about the following variations? Which of them is actually possible? What are the least number of pegs left you can make for each?
The variations that can be left with just one peg form a secret password: