Five kingdoms.
Five kingdoms are to lay claims on 20 patches of Holy Terra, arranged in a 4 x 5 grid.
Prophecy foretells that when
these five kingdoms --
🔥Ember Eradica ,
💧Mirror Mirage ,
✨Astro Ascendency ,
🌿Verdant Vanguard , and
🐦⬛Obsidian Order --
unite in perfect accord and build temples on their
claims according to the following rules, a millennium of harmony shall grace their lands:
(1) A kingdom is harmonious with itself if it has exactly 10 different claims and the claims are
connected (adjacent in up, down, left, right direction, but diagonally does not count)
(2) Two kingdoms are harmonious with each other if they share no more than 4 common claims. Each patch may
have more than two kingdoms' claim.
Click to toggle a temple built. Aid them in achieving this harmonious union.