Alien chemistry. 

(some lost in space back story here, will get chatbot to generate)
(data is newly generated at each refresh.)

As the captain of the starship, you lead your crew into the old alien fuel refinery and begin searching
for a way to fuel your spacecraft. You find an alien fuel recipe that has been left behind, but upon
examining it, you realize that the chemical reaction it describes is not balanced.

To use the recipe to create fuel, you and your crew will need to figure out how to balance the alien chemical 
reaction. Each letter represent an alien element, where the subscript indicates the number of that alien
element is present in that alien molecule:

When above alien chemical equation is balanced, where all the coefficients are all in most 
reduced positive integers, what is the multiplicative product of all the cofficients
form both sides?

 (part 1)
(end transmission)